We are grateful

for the monetary donations and in-kind support

of our generous 2020 and 2021 donors!

See the monetary donations and in-kind support for 2022

Donors 2020-2021 page - Graphic image for the monetary donations and in-kind support page related to the Jane Austen soiree and 2020-2021 fundraising

THE JANE AUSTEN SOIREE – Donors 2020-2021

And the Jane Austen Soiree GIFT BASKET DONORS: (in-kind donors 2020-2021)

This image includes logos for companies that provided in-kind support but no monetary donations to the Jane Austen Soiree. - Donors 2020-2021

(Monetary Donations and In-kind Donations from Donors 2020-2021)

Gold Bullion Donors ($1000+)

The Rockstar Music Academy

Forsyth Family

Dave Gerberding Videography

Cheryl A. Greco, Hub International (NIA)

Kent Lacin Media Services

Elmer & Emmaline Longest

Chris Marinacci


Gold Nugget Donors ($500-999)


Twiana Armstrong-Bryant, It’s Personal Enterprises

Paul Burke, It’s Me Paul B / Master of Improv

Billie Hunter-Wood


Silver Donors ($101 to 499)


Scott Charles

Ariana Marcial: Taxes by Ari

Kate Muris

Gerald Ooley, The Ooley Theatre

Jay Rudin Videography


Granite Donors ($1 to $100)

ANDERSON’S Antiques & Cool Junk of Newcastle

EMH Productions of the Greater Sacramento Area

HUB Int’l / NIA of Sacramento

Network for Good (Washington D.C.)

Ocean Shore Printing (Rocklin CA)

Paypal Giving Fund (Washington D.C.)


Anonymous Donors 2020-2021

Jim Anderson

Angela Barber

Sarah Barbulesco

David-Matthew Barnes

Kate Brolan

Paul Burke

Mary Clare Beaver

Lori Bonds

Kathryn Carner

Mary Lynn Carner

Steve Casper

Scott Charles

Lloyd Comstock

Andrew Cope

Tami Crosby

Thomas Dean

Mary Dick

Richard Eldredge

Darlene Engellenner

Ethel England

Delton Engle-Sorrell

Sheree Ervin

Dan Fagan

Laureen Fallahay

Natalie Farrell

Jennifer Fessenden

Tim Foley

Elizabeth Forrester

Hunter Forsyth

Becca Foster

Kevin Foster

Kyle Foster

Averi Gerberding

Dave & Evan Gerberding

Ryan Gerberding

Jada Gilbert

Deb Goldman

Anne Hall

Bill Halldin

Katie Halls

Michelle Hamil

Judith Hancock

Charlotte Higgins

Elise Marie Hodge

Sandra Hodge

Hana Holloway

Leah Hopkins

Jeffrey Jackson

Bradford Joned

Nancy Kato

Janes Kirkley, Sr.

James Kirkley, IV

Richard Kleeberg

Matt Leonard

Christine Lovett

Gretchen Lund

Chris Marinacci

Adriana Marmo

Stacey Matthews-Winn

Rodger McDonald

Anita Menon

Anne Merino

Tanya Mills

Melissa Mitchell

Linda Montgomery

Kathie Moon

Luis Mora

Gina Mulligan

Maya Nepo

Jenni Parcell

Sharon Perpignani

Roger Peterson

Eric Piotrowski

Ruth Piotrowski

Judith Plank

Jay Rudin

Jeslyn Rumbold

Jodi Serrano

Larry Shade

Laura Sheperd

Louise Shroder

Sanjay Singhal

Erinlee Skilton

Blake Sorrell

Deborah Springett

Elizabeth Anne Springett

Tamara Stirling-Wininger

Kat Tatley

Anthony Themoleas

Margaret Upton

A. Valdez

Christina Von Pingel

Paulina Pino-Rubio

Georgann Wallace

Cherin Watanabe

Rick Wood

Horacio Zertuche


Donors 2020-2021 page image known as the Brady Bunch graphic of all Placer Rep company members  Donors 2020-2021 page - cover of Jane Austen Soiree event program    Donors 2020-2021 page - cover of An Evening with Sherlock Holmes event program    Donors 2020-2021 page - cover of New Beginnings event program

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