Biography: JM Lahr

is a playwright whose works include All That Remains, Three Rivers, Intervals, and Real Talk. JM Lahr’s work has been produced and/or developed by The Tesseract Theatre Company, Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble, and MillHill Productions. Awards include: 2018 St. Louis Fringe Festival Fringemeister (best production of festival), 1st Place at A Taste of Theatre Festival, and St.
Louis Fringe Merit Award. Member: Dramatists Guild, The Tesseract Theatre Company and Resurrection Theatre. JM Lahr earned a Bachelor of Arts Emphasis Playwrighting from Webster University, St. Louis, MO.

A JM Lahr work-in-progress was featured at the July 2024 New Works Showcase, a Placer Repertory Theater program. Jackie joined the Placer Repertory Theater board of directors in August 2024.


JM Lahr is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and the New Play Exchange.