Placer Repertory Theater School Tours program 2023-2024 - program logo









School Tours Program: NOW BOOKING

Two Program Options: Storytellers Theater and Theatrical Performances

BOOK Now: Storytellers Theater (literature to life)

Storytellers Theater includes a SHOW, plus an interactive lesson plan and experiential learning and performing opportunities.

  • 2024-2025 ready-to-go shows ($375*):
    • Gingerbread Boy

    • Pinocchio

  • Custom Stories. For a little bit more ($500-800*) — you choose the story or book, or have us recommend one and we create a custom experience
    • Select your age-appropriate book:
      • Most popular: Storybooks, Fairytales, Folktales, Legends & Myths
        • Examples:  Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks & the Three Bears, Hansel & Gretel, Multicultural Stories like “How we came to the fifth world”
      • Middle, High School & College: Jekyll & Hyde, Charlotte’s Web, Shakespeare, and similar.

Storytellers Theater runs 30 to 80 minutes, adapted to the audience grade / ages.

Email School Tours Program

*Contact us if you need fee assistance

BOOK Now for 2025: Theatrical Performances

  • Email School Tours Program – 30 to 80 minutes. Prices vary by complexity, cast size, length, discount eligibility, etc.
  • Fireside Stories from Ghosts of Placer County (recommended for grades 6 and up) – (stories of local history & lore – both admirable & dark)
  • Frankenstein or the Man and the Monster – (recommended for grade 3 and up) – interactive melodrama performance
  • Beauty is a Beast – (all ages) modern adaptation with themes of bullying, self-esteem, resilience, perspective-taking and redefining “beauty.”

Includes SEL & ELA integration (Social & Emotional learning, Language Arts & Social Studies integration)

DID YOU KNOW?  Any School Tours show may be adapted for evening or weekend performances as Family Theater!

  • Any School Tours offering, or main season show, may be booked on evenings and/or weekend mornings, afternoons or evenings for general audiences in a venue near you as Family Theater


Program Summary

School Tours Program is designed for Grades K-12, college and adults / general audiences.

  • Two School Tours Format Options: (scroll down for more details)
    • Theatrical Performances (designed for grades 4 through adult, audience sizes: 30 to 1000+)
      • Includes post-show Q&A, free study guides, optional Workshops & Master Classes
    • Storytellers Theater (designed primarily for K-4 classrooms/combined classrooms, classroom audience size: 10-99 students)
      • Program adaptable to middle, high school & college through selection of grade appropriate literature.
      • Low-Cost “ready to go” shows and Custom in-classroom performances with interactive lesson plans & experiential learning opportunities (includes free study guide)
      • Sensory-Friendly adaptations available (see below)
  • Performances, curricula and services are primarily based upon:
    • the California recommended reading list
    • 21st Century Education skills acquisition, experimental method as able
    • the four areas of student development: social, emotional, physical and mental
    • Complementing CA schools’ language arts, social science and STEM curricula
    • Administration/Educator communications and curricular requests
    • MFA Dramatic Arts curriculum, distilled and adapted to be age appropriate
    • Placer County administration/educator survey responses
      • themes, disciplines, writers and notable figures (civic leaders and scientists to artists/creatives and innovators).
        • Seeking your input on shows to offer, performance length and market value.
  • Team:
    • Board. Teresa Stirling Forsyth, Board President, and Rodger McDonald, founding board member/advisory committee, each previously operated large professional theater programs that toured to K-12 schools during the weekdays and to performing arts facilities presented to multigenerational audiences on weekends throughout California.
    • Performers:  BFAs, MFAs, Studium-Practicum professional growth training, professional experience as artists & educators. Many of our performers are also Education Facilitators for Placer Rep’s VAPA Academy in partnership with Colfax Elementary School District, providing extended learning opportunities, experiential education and fostering 21st Century skills development.


School Tours Program 2023-2024 web page - Placer Rep logo image

School Tours Program – FORMATS & HISTORY


There are two options within the School Tours Program:

  • Storytellers Theater
    • designed for 10-99 students
    • recommended for grades K-5
    • for single or combined classrooms.
  • Theatrical Performances
    • designed for 50-1000+ students
    • recommended for grades 4-12, college, adults/seniors,
    • in auditoriums, halls, multipurpose rooms/gyms, and similar venues

INTERACTIVE ELO PROGRAM: Storytellers Theater (designed for Grades K-5, Families)

This program develops a custom storytelling performance & lesson plan based upon the storybook selected in advance by the educator.

  1. The performers (artists/educators) read and act out the story
  2. Story discussion is facilitated, and the lesson plan introduces key curriculum (as approved in advance by the classroom teacher);
    1. Games and exercises provide experiential opportunities to engage students with the curriculum.
  3. The students are then guided to adapt and perform their own version of the story to champion their unique voices, engage in creative thinking, problem solving and peer leadership, just to name a few of the skill development opportunities.

PRODUCTIONS: Theatrical Performances (designed for Grades 4-12, college, adult)

These productions are frequently theatrical adaptations of literature from the California Recommended Reading list that share works from authors like Robert Louis Stevenson, Shakespeare and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Plays may also be based upon curricular themes, or topics like local California History, the Civil War or the Suffrage Movement, or may be based upon notable figures in history, from Langston Hughes (writer) or Thomas Edison (inventor) to Madame Curie (chemistry) or Sally Ride (astronomy). These productions are designed to appeal to multigenerational audiences for weekend performance, while touring to Placer County schools during the week.

School Tours Program 2023-2024 web page - Persuasion 2021 production photo.

Each booking of a School Tours Production or Storytellers Theater Show includes a post-show Q&A and study guide for educators.

Optional masterclasses/workshops for a subset of students are also available for booking.




The School Tours Program is designed to benefit students through extended learning, interactive & experiential opportunities, and to support educators and administrators through the complement of school curriculum along with provision of 21st Century Education skills development.

An additional benefit of this program is its contribution to the area economy. The program provides daytime employment for professional artists and technicians, grows the talent pool and stirs the local economy. Every $1 spent on professional performing arts generates over $31.47* in additional spending in the community! *

* Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 study, Americans for the Arts



Storytellers Theater program is designed to benefit students as an extension to the education received in the classroom. The program supports educators and administrators by offering curricula that fulfills not only CA curricular requirements and recommendations, but also provides the skills development specified in the 21st Century Education program, including skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, as well as peer leadership and other competencies.

As with Placer Rep’s successful implementation for the VAPA Academy, sophisticated curriculum is distilled and adapted to be age and physical-/intellectual-capacity appropriate. Students experience lesson plans such as dramatic structure, archetypes, and principles of design, all delivered with vocabulary and activities that allow the students to readily embrace and apply these new concepts while championing students’ unique voices.

Storytellers Theater also contributes to the area economy. The program provides daytime employment for professional creatives, grows the talent pool and stirs the local economy.


Placer Repertory Theater School Tours program   Placer Repertory Theater School Tours program - Once Upon a Pangea - NOH Theater scene - for Colfax Elementary School District VAPA Program


Individuals with sensory needs, including people on the autism spectrum, as well as first-time theatergoers and young children benefit from sensory-friendly performances, which include the below environmental and performance adjustments.  Actor/Educators, Stage Management and PRT Staff are trained to accommodate special patron needs.


  • Dimmed houselights (not turned completely off)
  • Light and Sound cue intensity is reduced
  • Working with School Staff, a location is identified as the “Regulation Station” should students need to take a break from the event/activities/performance
  • An inclusive, non-judgmental atmosphere that allows for individual needs to move, exit and return
  • Trained Actor/Educators, SM and staff who will identify and assist student patrons
  • Technology is permitted, as an assist to students with special communication needs
  • Performance and script adaptations are made, as needed to maximize student engagement and comprehension


In 2019, Placer Rep began its plans and preparation for School Tours programming. Placer Rep’s early version of My Jekyll & Hyde (2020) was a livestream preview originally conceived and written to tour to grades 4 through 12 and colleges in the 2020-2021 school year. My Jekyll & Hyde was also designed to function as a stage production for the 2020 season. Of course, we all know what happened in 2020; Covid changed the plans of 7.88 billion people.

School Tours Program 2023-2024 web page image - logo of 2020 show My Jekyll & Hyde - ying yang in background, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde back to back in the foreground.


HISTORY (2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)

In 2020-2021, due to COVID-19, students from schools throughout the greater Sacramento area primarily came to our performance locations or watched via Zoom (instead of us touring to their schools) to watch a dress rehearsal or performance with a post-performance Q&A with the actors, director and playwright.

Placer Rep’s School Tours program, with onsite performances at high schools in Placer County during 2021-2022 (like Foresthill High School) and 2022-2023 (including Oakmont High School, Roseville), then in 2023-2024 to schools throughout Placer County from Alta Dutch Flat and Colfax to Roseville.  For 2024-2025 the program is now poised for tremendous growth. Surveys were provided to Placer County educators and administrators to help Placer Rep plan its touring season. Take the survey to voice your ideas.

    Placer Repertory Theater School Tours program - image of Anne Merino as Dr. Dagmar and Katherine Stroller as Aubrey in Ghosts of Placer County.    

Placer Repertory Theater School Tours program - Haunting History stage reading for Forest Hill High School       




Placer Rep’s other Education Outreach programs include:

School Tours Program 2024-2025