Placer Rep is holding…

AUDITIONS for Main Season, School Tours & Storytellers Family Theater performers

    • Daytime & Evening opportunities for performers.
    • Yes, you can do both day & evening, but not required to do both.

SUBMIT YOUR MATERIALS via email NOW for your video audition. 

  • Send an email cover letter stating for which opportunities you are applying
  • Attach your resume and headshot
  • Include a URL (link) to one or more of your audition videos or a digital recording of you performing
    • If you don’t have a video, you may submit resume and headshot only.
  • Submissions with videos shall be reviewed as a video audition.
  • Successful submissions will be contacted to schedule a callback / chemistry read appointment.

Send your Video Audition Submission to


FMI on Placer Rep programs:

Morning, afternoon and evening performance opportunities.

School Tours: Storytellers Theater & Storytellers Family Theater   



Main Season 2024-2025




Q: What are the requirements for the video submission?

A: The URL you provide ideally link to your videos on YouTube, Vimeo or similar, as these sites include a video player.

  • If you provide a URL that leads to a video via an online/cloud Share location or similar, MP4 files are ideal.
  • Video auditions (you are performing a monologue or scene with scene partner) are preferred.
    • This need not be high production value. We just need to be able to see and hear you. You may make this at home or use an audition video you created at an industry workshop or similar.
  • If your URL leads to a video performance (not an audition video), please provide
    • the start time for the portion of the video we should watch
      • example: begin watching @ 3:40:00
    • and which character you are portraying
      • I am the Apothecary, wearing the blue hat with the feather.

Q: When do School Tours operate? Storytellers Family Theater?

A: We rehearse based upon the schedules of the performers involved.

  • School Tours shows generally occur on weekday mornings (Mon-Fri) during the regular school day.
  • Storytellers Family Theater occurs on weekend mornings (Saturdays), with the possibility of early afternoon performances as well.
  • For both programs, shows usually start between 9 and 10 a.m.  Should there be two or more shows on a single day, shows complete by 1:30 or 2 p.m.
  • Shows are 30 to 80 minutes in length, most shows are 45-60 minutes. Currently, there is usually only one show per day. The number of shows per week varies.
    • Programs that perform for Schools could not operate prior to Fall of 2023 due to the pandemic.
    • Placer Rep is focused on growing this program as an employment source for performers & technicians/SMs by significantly increasing bookings in 2024-2025.

Q: How much do these opportunities pay?

A: Above minimum wage.

  • Main Season shows, which perform in the evening, standardly pay $20 per hour or a lump contract sum roughly equivalent to $20/hour for rehearsals plus performances on a contract per show basis.
  • School Tours program performance budget allocates $75 per show per performer with a max of 3 daytime shows per day.  There are small bonuses per show for very small cast shows of 1 or 2 people. (Shows usually run 30-60 minutes – pay is set as a contract lump sum ($75/show).
  • Storytellers Family Theater: $20/hour for rehearsals, performances.  These are weekend performances of School Tours shows, so no rehearsal is involved.  Storytellers Family Theater usually performs on Saturday mornings in Placer County venues, like event rooms.

Q: Would I be an employee or contractor?

A: All of our performers are hired by show as performing arts contractors (W-9/1099).

Q: If I am SAG/AFTRA or AEA, can I apply? What about if I have an agent?

A: Yes.

We have hired SAG/AFTRA, AEA and former AEA performers and educators previously. Admittedly, non-AEA performers with professional experience are easier to contract with at this time. As we grow over the next few years, we will migrate toward use of more AEA actors.

  • AEA: If you are actively enrolled as an AEA member (and do not qualify under a grandfather clause to perform outside AEA contractual opportunities), Placer Rep must negotiate your performance contract(s) with AEA.
  • SAG/AFTRA performers typically do not need to file with SAG/AFTRA for theatrical work (as we are not livestreaming these performances nor recording them for future commercial purposes such as pay-per-view).
  • AGENTS: If you have a modeling, film/TV agent, usually they do not intercede in theatrical work contracts nor educator contracts. If you have a theatrical agent, you may need to have your agent review the contract we are offering you to receive their feedback and approval prior to signing with PRT.


Submit your materials via email NOW for your video audition

and consideration for a callback appointment.

(The sooner you send in your materials, the sooner you will be considered!)